Sunday, October 6, 2019

Its late, I am tired

I just spent 30 minutes setting something up I don't need... because  I am terrible with technology. I have had a long week and I just needed to go on about it to something that wont talk back. Grammar was never a strength, this is truly me putting my rants on "paper" but I also don't like to write so typing it is. ha If you are here expecting even close to perfection you may as well move along. I tried to get my toddler to bed before doing this but it was a huge fight I was over and I let him win tonight for my sanity. So what was bound to be a hot mess all over will be worse. You have been warned.

Do you ever have a week where you're convinced Satan is just bound to destroy you? That was my week. One thing after the next after the next. This whole year has been an uphill battle. I am a strong Christian I believe in my faith and my God and the grand plan and blah blah because that's how I feel about His plan at the moment. Most of this week has been like a bad movie. My sweet daughter has the wrong friends and they are going to drag her under water and shes going to spend until shes 35 getting up from it. One friend made a stupid choice and now another child wants to hurt her. I had dreams of her on the news and me in prison. I went to the school to handle that. My son who got meningitis a few years ago developed a behavior disorder due to brain damage, it has been a LONG week with him. There are issues with the school, a mishandled IEP, poor teacher communication, then a physical fight. My toddler was bitten by a large dog, hes fine there was little damage but broken skin none the less. I ranted on Facebook in a hysterical desperate moment, which was a mistake because the general population is judgy and douchy, about my bad week and it made it worse. Lets be real in 2019 there are few laces you can rant about anything safely.  Any who, I took him to the pedi the next day, broken skin we have to deal with animal control, got antibiotics to prevent possible infection. The very next day he finds the large thing of pepper covers the dog and the house and got it in his eyes, that was fun. Ever tried to give an angry cat a bath? That's how much toddlers like their eyes washed out. Saturday I was repairing broken fish take parts, went to the bathroom, came back to the toddler who was not in the room when I went pee being on the table... with super glue.... in his mouth. Thank God for poison control, its non toxic just call them if your glued shut anywhere haha.

Its finally Sunday. I'm up still typing because the toddler wont sleep. I have my worship music on, KSBJ in Houston is my jam if you were wondering, because I missed church. I couldn't motivate myself today. I actually didn't want to if I'm honest. I am drained mentally spent I have nothing left and I cant have nothing left because I have 3 kids and a husband I see one week a month because he lives at work and visits home. That''s a rant for another day. It is now 11pm I need to go to bed my sleepy time tea is kicking in. I have school drop offs, a middle school follow up, an important e-mail about an IEP, teachers to finally reach, a workout, reading, grocery shopping, cleaning house, a toddler, and Im sure more I'm pretending I don't need to do waiting for me tomorrow.  I needed a place to rant. I have ZERO intention to make this anything. I have no intention to share my blog thoughts past here. I will be back because my whole life feels like a ridiculous mess that can't be real and I had a therapist tell me to write it all out and itll help. We will see ha. If you happened across and you read it all thanks.